Sunday, January 17, 2010

How to get the FREE ipod touch!

Hey i have one questions for all of you,

Have u ever told yourself that you want to get an ipod touch, thinking how awesome they are and how many different ways you could use the awesome device? And then your thoughts come crashing down when you see the price tag on them. Most ipod touches range from $200 to even $400 dollars!!! But thanks to what the step-by-step process I am about to tell you, you will be able to get an absolutely FREE ipod touch, and do it EASILY! Now don't think that this is a fake or scam, cause I wouldn't waste my time on tricking you into something that isn't going to benefit me at ALL! I have MANY better things to do with my time. So follow the step-by-step guide on how to get your free ipod and before you know it you'll be listening to your favorite tunes!

Step 1: Click on this link (or copy and paste it into you search bar) :

Step 2: Once you are on the site, there will be info on how to sign up, how the whole thing works, and also tips on how to speed up the process, and PROOF that this whole thing is real. Read through it all and click sign up.

Step 3: Once you've clicked sign up on the site, it will bring you to a page showing different options of free things. Select the gift you want.

Step 4: Enter a VALID email address in the blank for it, and hit "sign me up."

Step 5: You will be brought to a page asking for your name, address, zip code, ect. Don't worry, NO credit card # is needed, and they only use your address for shipping your free gift to you! They will NOT use that info for anything else, trust me! Then click continue.

Step 6: Once you get to the next page, it will ask you to select a account type, either points or referral. A points account is where you try out offers from different company's and earn points to redeem prizes. A referral account is where you try to refer others to the site from your link you will be given. (For the referral account, you do have to complete one offer, but only 1!)

Step 7: After you've selected your account type, hit continue, and you will be brought to your progress page. Now its time to start earning either points or referrals for your free gift! Of course, there are further tips and help instructions on the site if you need it!

Step 8: Enjoy your FREE ipod touch!!!